Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Hunting an Idea

My brain is a frozen landscape at the moment.
I wander through the branches of tall brain cell trees, trying not to touch any of the shocking synapses. As if I’m waking from a dream, I notice a gun in my hand. It’s heavy, yet easy to handle. I place it as I saw guns being placed in action films,right next to my shoulder, I aim up at the sky – or is that my skull? - And I shoot. A loud bang echoes through the thick forest, but I come to the conclusion that shooting is not that hard to do. I do make a note to self never to try this in the real world, though.

As I keep walking through the forest, I notice little, pink, fluffy creatures. They must be my good thoughts. And there are some ugly, dark, scrawny-looking creatures that scare the good thoughts away. These must be my nightmares, and try as I might, I cannot scare them off. And I doubt I have enough bullets to shoot them all. Moreover, by the looks of them, bullets can’t harm them, unless they are anything like Cupid’s arrows.

Come to think of it, I never actually saw my bullets. A curiosity I am unable to control urges me to open my shotgun and look inside it. I see the bullets. Something is engraved on them. It says:” Taming bullets; one shot to the heart will make any idea come to you as if you were a genius.”

Now I remember why I am here! I’m on an idea hunt. I’ve been waiting for a bright idea for quite some time, now, and I was given the chance to get one. So off I go, trying to find a bright idea. But what does a bright idea look like? I’ll probably figure that out when I see one, just like I did when I saw the good thoughts and the nightmares.

As I continue my careful walk, I hear a distant sound. I am guessing it must be another creature’s cry, but it’s very melodic; and almost human. I look in the direction of the sound, and I can barely make out a light amongst the trees. It’s like the light faeries give out in the films I’ve seen so far, twinkling as the creature moves. I cautiously move towards the light. And as I draw closer, I notice it looks like a deer, but instead of having a deer’s brown coat, this creature is golden, and it seems to me that it has many I’s written on it. And it suddenly dawns on me! The creature is a bright I-deer: a bright idea!

So, once again, I aim, and shoot. The bullet hits the I-deer straight where its heart should be. For a split second, I think it will run off; but I am proven wrong. It freezes for a few moments, and then it turns my way, and starts walking slowly towards me. I am astonished. As the creature approaches, I am left breathless by its beauty. It reaches me and touches my hand with its snout. I can feel myself fainting so I sit down; but wait! This chair wasn’t here a minute ago!

I look out the window and I see a squirrel. Then my eyes turn to my Psychology teacher. She asks the question again:” From what we have learned so far, what can you do to improve your results in an exam?” And a bright idea comes to me, so I lift my hand, and, having no other choice, the teacher names me.

“We should learn every lesson when it is taught, and revise regularly. That way, we don’t have to take in a great amount of information at a time, and we use our long-term memory, which is much more effective than our short-term memory.”
“That’s very good”, she says, and moves on to the next question, but again, my mind ventures out the window and to places I’ve never been to, and probably don’t even

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nici nu vreau sa-mi folosesc ultimul neuron ca sa inteleg ce ai scris tu acolo
eu te iubesc asa englezoaica cum esti >:D<