Tuesday, September 22, 2015

A student, no more.

So, I don't think I'm the only one who's had this baffling experience: For ages before handing in my dissertation, and especially between the time I did hand it in and the time I presented it in front of an intimidating audience (a grand total of two people) I felt like once that was over, my life would be great. I would go out and drink, and party, and then sleep like a baby and then drink and party some more. Instead, the minute I walked out of the room, once I'd messaged everyone who needed to know that my time as a masters student was over, I had this sinking feeling in my stomach; this emptiness took over, even before the actual thought struck me: "What now?". The deadlines I'd been dreading all these years, the pressure to write essays that would actually be worth reading; they had, all of a sudden, vanished. And my life suddenly had no purpose. I felt lost, and in no mood to celebrate. The epic night that I thought would follow my last day as a student was now far less desirable than a day of wallowing and just trying to figure out what I was going to do next.
And all this happened despite what turned out to be my mom's best idea ever. Sometime during the week between my dissertation being handed in and my presenting it to my vast audience, she IM's me, asking what my plans for the near future were. I tell her I'm not really sure if I should go visit my dad (it's been at least two years), or if I should start looking for jobs immediately. She says "I'm sorry, but I have other plans for you."
And that's how it all started.

To be continued.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

27 Things

1.The way you kiss me.
2. The fact that you have no idea how amazing you are.
3. The wrinkle on your nose when you laugh at something cute.
4. The moments when you make me feel like a child.
5. Your hands.
6. Your fears.
7. Your courage.
8. The way you say you need space and then do all you can to minimize it.
9. The way you pay attention to my every move, expression or word. And the fact that you always know the perfect way to react to them.
10. The way you encourage me to strive for my goals.
11. The fact that I’ve come to realize that if I just wait a couple of seconds, you’ll say exactly what is on my mind.
12. The way you understand my interests and find a way to translate and include them into yours.
13. The fact that I can rely on you even if you’re afraid I can’t.
14. The fact that I got to watch you sleep.
15. The way you take care of me.
16. The way you enter protector mode whenever we’re in even the smallest amount of danger.
17. The fact that you’re just as afraid of putting important things into words as I am.
18. The fact that you take the time to understand everything I cannot say yet.
19. The fact that you express important things through actions.
20. The way you said you’d miss me.
21. Your voice.
22. Your history.
23. Your passion for planes.
24. The fact that you feel you can let your guard down when you’re with me.
25. Your writing.
26. Your determination.
27. You.