Wednesday, July 29, 2009

There and back

Could you walk beside me to the end of the world and back if i needed you to? If I wanted you to? Even if it was out of my pure curiosity? Even if it was just because I wanted to see if the grass really is greener on the other side?
You probably wouldn't.
If I ever brought it up, you would probably tell me that I'm being childish and leave it at that.
And I would believe it. Because I believe in you. I believe that you would climb every mountain for me. Be it on Earth, or someplace else. I believe that you care so much, that it didn't matter that it would be hard for you or that it would hurt you. I believe you know that before hurting you just a little, I would torture myself for monhts. I believe that you know this and it makes you feel pitty for me, if anything... not hate.
But I also believe in fairytales - sometimes. So I guess my believing it doesn't necessairily make it real.
But I sure hoped so.
I'm sorry

I would walk beside you to the end of the world and back if you needed me to. If you wanted me to. Even if it was out of your pure curiosity. Even if it was just because you wanted to see if the grass really is greener on the other side.
Trust me, I would.
If you ever brought it up, I would take your hand and start walking the next instant, if i knew it made you happy.
And You know it. Because you know me better than I know myself. You know that I would climb every mountain for you. Be it on Earth, or someplace else. You know that I care so much, that it didn't matter that it would be hard for me or that it would hurt me. You know that before hurting you just a little, I would torture myself for monhts. You know this and it makes you trust me completely.
You know all this as well as you know that the Sun always rises from the East. And that makes even more real.
And you know that.
I love you


cori said...

cat optimism, cata incredere. si e cu dedicatie, degeaba spui ca nu. dar e asa draguuuta si in sfarsit vad partea ta foarte foarte sensibila :">
te iubesc >:D<

killer said...

n-am citit,dar te salut. :*